Mathematics Curriculum
An outline of the content covered in the junior cycle mathematics curriculum is given below.

Mathematics I : Algebra
The Italian scientist, Galileo Galilei claimed that “mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe.” The fundamental beauty, order and reasonableness of mathematical deduction is not simply critical for advanced mathematical and scientific understanding, but plays a foundational part in logical thought and deduction outside of the field of mathematics. As well as framing and forming the mind in logical deduction and reasoning, mathematics is the language which allows the student to deepen their understanding of the physical and chemical sciences in subsequent years. Ultimately, it is the goal of the mathematics programme to lead the student to a love of mathematics as a reflection of the order and perfection found in the Creator.

Mathematics III : Trigonometry
Through the tools of proof we are able to demonstrate the interior logic of a mathematical system and its correspondence to reality. This is particularly evident in trigonometry, where this logic find ample application in the fields of science, business, engineering, and medicine.

Mathematics II : Geometry
Geometry is a cornerstone in the understanding of beauty, symmetry and form in a wide range of disciplines. A clear understanding and perception of geometric principles introduces the student to the appreciation of form and order in the natural world of God the Creator, as well as the human fields of art, architecture, engineering, science, biology, chemistry and physics.

Mathematics IV : Pre-calculus
The final year of the mathematics programme brings the student’s understanding of Euclidian algebra and geometry to a mature understanding of mathematical reasoning in modern physics and mathematics. The basic understanding of sequences, series, limits, and mathematical induction transition seamlessly into both calculus and statistics requirements of the Leaving Certificate programme.